History Of Vinurudha

The VINURUDHA Institute informally known as Vinurudha Family, is a academic / educational organization located in Patna, Bihar, India; It was founded in 2013 by a Mrs. Kiran Devi with Core-member committee of Vinurudha family. As educational / academic organization has main goal or ambitions to provide a real education of society life of human beings to survive in practical / social life, whichever is related with his/her carrier or health, beside this creating a discipline in student to care or buildup a empowered society. From which no any one become a job seeker but become a job creator with a buildup healthy or corruption less society in Bihar, India.

Therefore, Academic classes is divided into two parts :-

  • First is carrier oriented and

  • Second is health oriented.
Under the academic careers course these are three types of courses are run to follow.

  • Education

    1. Academic
      1. Arts : XIth , XII, B.A./ Graduation
      2. Commerce : XIth, XIIth, B.COM, M.COM
    2. Competitive:
      1. UPSC & PCS [ U.P, Jharkhand, Bihar, M.P ]
      2. NET/ JRF (Geography)
    3. Professional
      • CA, CS, Entrepreneur, [ IT Professional ] in Future.
  • Health Careers

    [ Run under the Narayani Foundation ] :
    1. Diploma
    2. Certified Course
    3. BNYS
    4. Awareness Program

The INSTITUTE has two departments and these faculties distributed across its Patna & Nalanda campus. It will go to start in near future academic school and college with Naturopathy Hospital. There are two different organization , Vinurudha & Narayani Foundation, but work with collaboration of above both towards healthy society.

Online Live Class Room Program

Online or distance study pattern is a system of any course that allows students to learn all course from home to home or without visiting campus-based institute / organization. Online courses can refers to the live video session and important material with special guideline of expert faculty in that subject. This course is fully recognize/based on NCERT pattern to consider the Civil Services syllabus ( UPSC/PCS ) / 10+2 / Intermediate syllabus pattern, from which students become capable to face/ crack the examination with minimum attempt and get authority of administrative department and to countenance of the society. Online course is specially beneficial to that students who are not capable/able to come to the institute from home due to covid-19 or financial problem/ social problem because in our society as yet many more student live in village , who are not able to come up to best institute with family/social/ financial problem out of all the problem mostly girls face the social /family problem to learn best course like UPSC/PCS/Professional.
Therefore, Vinurudha chair-women Kiran Devi try to take first-steps to grow up the students with minimum costing becouse her thought is

                           “  When youth become educated, 
                                          Society will be empowered, 
                              When society become empowered,
                                        Our nation will be youth " .

Class Room Program

Class Room Program is best learning pattern of any types of courses ,this pattern is follow from ancient time, so it also called traditional pattern. That a different things is that in ancient time, student called the pupils and teachers called the Guru; Guru word creates from sanskrit it term for a "mentor, guide, expert or master" it refers to giving personal speritual and experiental knowledge. But at along time in morden time it is approximately total change, Now a days, education has only and only one perpose/ goal.Students take a eduction for only one perpose, how to make a more and more money from society. But one important thing is forgot by them that social value, spritual value, health value. That is a main reason our society/ nation are face daily with new problem. Today some most important facts of great/ saint person are not shown in our youngers/ students and in ours seniors. Like :
"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise ."
"To belive in something, and not to live it,is dishonest ."
"Everything come to us that belongs to us if We create the capacity to recive it."

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To Take One Step towards Real Education ...


Arts & Civil Services