The VINURUDHA Institute informally known as Vinurudha Family, is a academic / educational organization located in Patna, Bihar, India; It was founded in 2013 by a Mrs. Kiran Devi with Core-member committee of Vinurudha family. As educational / academic organization has main goal or ambitions to provide a real education of society life of human beings to survive in practical / social life, whichever is related with his/her carrier or health, beside this creating a discipline in student to care or buildup a empowered society. From which no any one become a job seeker but become a job creator with a buildup healthy or corruption less society in Bihar, India.
Therefore, Academic classes is divided into two parts :-
The INSTITUTE has two departments and these faculties distributed across its Patna & Nalanda campus. It will go to start in near future academic school and college with Naturopathy Hospital. There are two different organization , Vinurudha & Narayani Foundation, but work with collaboration of above both towards healthy society.
Online or distance study pattern is a system of any course that allows students to learn all course from home to home or without visiting campus-based institute / organization. Online courses can refers to the live video session and important material with special guideline of expert faculty in that subject. This course is fully recognize/based on NCERT pattern to consider the Civil Services syllabus ( UPSC/PCS ) / 10+2 / Intermediate syllabus pattern, from which students become capable to face/ crack the examination with minimum attempt and get authority of administrative department and to countenance of the society.
Online course is specially beneficial to that students who are not capable/able to come to the institute from home due to covid-19 or financial problem/ social problem because in our society as yet many more student live in village , who are not able to come up to best institute with family/social/ financial problem out of all the problem mostly girls face the social /family problem to learn best course like UPSC/PCS/Professional.
Therefore, Vinurudha chair-women Kiran Devi try to take first-steps to grow up the students with minimum costing becouse her thought is
“ When youth become educated, Society will be empowered, When society become empowered, Our nation will be youth " .
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